
Daily motion ancient aliens season 1 episode 2
Daily motion ancient aliens season 1 episode 2

daily motion ancient aliens season 1 episode 2

Wolf 486 Note: Star sizes are not to scale. Only in the last flicker of a moment on the time line have humans begun to understand the story.Ĭapella A Capella B Vega Sirius A Pollux Altair Study the last inch of the time line to see the rise of human ancestors and the origin of civilization. Over billions of years, generation after generation of stars have lived and died, cooking the hydrogen and helium of the big bang into the atoms of which you are made. Cambrian explosion 540 million years ago: Life in Earth’s oceans becomes complex. Ten thousand years ago, on the 0.0026 inch line, humans begin building cities and modern civilization begins.įormation of the Sun and planets from a cloud of interstellar gas and dust Life begins in Earth’s oceans. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Anglo-Australian Observatory/David Malin ImagesĪ typical galaxy contains 100 billion stars.Ĭopyright 2016 Cengage Learning. Recombination: A few hundred thousand years after the big bang, the gas becomes transparent to light. The expansion of the Universe stops slowing and begins accelerating.

daily motion ancient aliens season 1 episode 2

The Dark Age when the big bang had cooled and before stars began to shine Formation of the first galaxies well under way The Age of Quasars: Galaxies, including our home galaxy, actively forming, colliding, and merging Follow the history from the first inch of the time line as the expansion of the Universe cools the gas and it begins to form galaxies and stars. The story begins on one goal line as the big bang fills the Universe with energy and a fantastically hot gas of hydrogen and helium. Imagine the history of the Universe as a time line down the middle of an American football field.

Daily motion ancient aliens season 1 episode 2